If you already own an email address, such as Apple, Outlook, Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc., you may use it with your website on contact forms. Contact Support if you need assistance with using email on webforms and contact forms. Our email provider is Hover. You can check them out at Hover.com, and even purchase email directly from Hover and bypass the middle man:). Same goes for domains. We have been partners with Hover for over 12-years.
If you would like for eCoalitions to provide email for your domain (also furnished by eCoalitions), contact our Support Center for assistance. Forward-only email addresses are $1/month, Small mailboxes are $2/month, and Large mailboxes are $3/month. The cost will be added to your monthly recurring Website Plan.
If you would like for eCoalitions to provide email for your domain (also furnished by eCoalitions), contact our Support Center for assistance. Forward-only email addresses are $1/month, Small mailboxes are $2/month, and Large mailboxes are $3/month. The cost will be added to your monthly recurring Website Plan.